
Showing posts from 2016

End-of-Year Outreach to Gambon

Greetings in the precious name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Thank you for praying always. Our outreach for the end of year went well to the glory of God. Again thank you for participating in so many ways.  We started day one with prayers, sing praises and film show, water filtration for kids and sermon. We donated a sawyer filter to be used for filtering water ​  for ​  kids in the community. I am uploading a video clip of the water source where every member of the community go to fetch water. Everything went well  ​ on the very first ​  first as far as equip goes. The projector and the megaphone  developed problem the second day but we managed to shoot film as scheduled. We had a wonderful service with ​ ​ those who become members of God's family ​. we give praise to God who opened for us the door to share with Gambon people in many ways. I am sorry the video size is too large and won't upload right now.  Merry Christmas in advance. And thanks for all you have

End-of-year Rural Evangelism Outreach

Greetings in the precious name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Last month I went for a mission survey at Gambon, a village below the Mambilla plateau  north east Nigeria.  God has provided for all we needs for this outreach. Tomorrow Joshua my son and I will be leaving  with our team members  for the field. We should be home by Sunday evening. This is our special Christmas gift for those who are yet to hear the goodness in clearest terms.  Prayer focus: 1. Pray for our safety.  2. Joshua is going for the first time. Pray for a lasting impact on his life. I am excited he will be my right hand man in the field.  3. Pray that our equipment will function well  4.Pray autrance and boldness to declare the word of God.  5. Pray for outpouring of the Spirit of God.  6. Cover our team members and their families with prayers.

Small business for women

Many greetings. And most importantly happy belated Thanksgiving. My Internet access has been an issue. Recently Helen and I met with 10 of the 15 women on our small business scheme at the school  head master's house to disburse more loans. These 10 women paid off their previous loan much earlier than we thought. The remaining 5 women require a lot of following up and patience from the two of us. As part of encouragement, we gave each of the 10 women $85 amounting to a total of  $850. Repayment will be 17th of January, 2017. As from next week we will be pairing the group of 5 women with some of these "successful" One's for mentoring. Also, we will be doing direct capturing of their business activities as resources for our future training. Thank you so much for being a part of this project that is making meaningful impacts on the lives of these internally displaced women. We couldn't have come this far without someone like you. In the picture below you wi

Current Project for Bannah

PROJECT EVALUATION REPORT . We thank God for the privilege to work with our internally displaced and persecuted sisters from northern Nigeria. We held our formal evaluation on the 3rd of Sept. 2016. 11 of the women were in attendance plus Helen and I making 13 in all.  one of those absent was down with malaria. There was no report from the remaining three. Helen will be following up on this at a later time. What went well at the meeting: 1. Four persons have sold all their products and are now in the process of re stocking. 2.Five persons have sold more than half of their products. 3. Three successfully opened personal savings account with the bank.  Challenges: 1. Three people ran out of plastic bottles for packaging their Vaseline and so, were unable to continue with production. 2. All of the 11 present at the meeting want to sell food stuff such as grains in addition to their line of business. This is likely to saturate the community market unless t

Most recent update from Nigeria!

I write to share with you of a privilege i had to conduct a mission survey at Gambon, northeast Nigeria. I first heard about this rural community nearly  two months ago. From human point of view there was no reason for me to make the trip. First I had never been to Gambon before. I don't know anyone there. I was only given someone's name who live around there. There is no mobile network coverage in Gambon. Despite all the odds somehow I had a deep conviction God wanted me to carry out the survey. And I also knew someone like you will be praying.  So, I departed home on October the 29th after praying together with my family. I boarded a commercial vehicle from Jalingo the capital of Taraba State at about  8am  and arrived Bali about  noon . Hired another vehicle and got to Gayam border  2 hours later . Gayam was the terminus for vehicles. I hired a motorcycle to bring me to the river side where I will have to wait for wooden canoe to come from the other side. From this si

Prayer request

Please, join me pray for safety as I will be embarking on a mission field trip by October 29th. This entirely a new survey for ministry in Gayam. Gayam is located on the mountain here in Taraba State. Someone told me about the village and I have clear conviction to go and provide skill acquisition training, seed money for small business for women, evangelism and warm tablets for kids. This will extend to somewhere of the first week of November. Pray for: - protection - Warm reception - Utterance and boldness to share the word -Good health. - Thank God for his provision for this outreach. - Ask that whatever is lacking, he will provide. EVERY BLESSING R.S Ogbole  Ephesian 1:4

Small Business Training for Women

We praise our heavenly father his rich mercy towards us in spite of our weaknesses.  The weekend presented us a special opportunity to train 15 of our internally displaced beloved sisters in the Lord. These woman and their entire families escaped from the deadly terrorist attacks on Christians in North east Nigeria. They all have stories to tell of  God's divine protection over their lives. Some of them lost their family members and friends.  They all received small business training on Saturday.  The training was customized to suit areas of interest as expressed by the women. In all, they were trained and given in kind capital  to jump start their business.  Below is a breakdown of the training: 1. Two women received a sack of corn each with measuring cups and buckets. 2. Three  received sacks of kidney beans with measuring cups, polythene bags and buckets.  3. Five received materials for Vaseline making including initial bottles for packaging.  4. Two received sacks of pea