Most recent update from Nigeria!

I write to share with you of a privilege i had to conduct a mission survey at Gambon, northeast Nigeria. I first heard about this rural community nearly  two months ago. From human point of view there was no reason for me to make the trip. First I had never been to Gambon before. I don't know anyone there. I was only given someone's name who live around there. There is no mobile network coverage in Gambon. Despite all the odds somehow I had a deep conviction God wanted me to carry out the survey. And I also knew someone like you will be praying. 

So, I departed home on October the 29th after praying together with my family. I boarded a commercial vehicle from Jalingo the capital of Taraba State at about 8am and arrived Bali about noon. Hired another vehicle and got to Gayam border 2 hours later. Gayam was the terminus for vehicles. I hired a motorcycle to bring me to the river side where I will have to wait for wooden canoe to come from the other side. From this site of the river i will have to hire a motorcycle that will take me to Gambon. Anyhow, I got to Gambon around 6pm. I was tired and hungry at this time. My host Ajik, was so kind and friendly. I was offered something to eat which i respectfully accepted. 

The next hurdle was accommodation. Ajik live in a small thatched building just okay for him, his wife and their 3 daughters. Eventually his friend offered his grain store. I was so thankful to God for meeting my needs in special ways. I was like a lamb offered for mosquitoes through out  that night. I am still surprised that I have not come down with malaria.  I told my wife it must be God's protection that my health is still normal. 

We had over 60 people children and adults inclusive treated for intestinal worms that evening. I also taught the women and some of the men how to make Vaseline (petroleum jelly) for both family and business uses. 
There was a church in Gambon about 4 years ago but it was  later closed for lack of pastor. There is no school or dispensary. Most of the people have been to church before but don't have personal relationship with God. They still participate in African traditional religion and other ungodly practices. 

The following day I was invited to preach in another village where there is a church. People come from other villages to attend church service in this particular village. It was an honor for me to share God's word with my brethren especially on the Lord's day. 

God willing,  by  the weekend of December 17th we shall having an open air campaign for Jesus in Gambon and surrounding villages. 

Prayer focus:1. Safety and security of our target community. 
2. Funds for transportation of people and equipment and feeding. 
3. Funds to purchase materials for Vaseline and soap training and seed capital for women. 
4. Outpouring of God's power on us and the people 
5.True and lasting revival 
There is a need for a school and a dispensary 
6. A vibrant church and a pastor missionary is needed at this station. Possibly someone with a background in Christian education that will help with the school. 
7. So far we have raised  $4200 out of $22000 for the farm land project. We remain very thankful to those who have sacrificially responded. Join us pray that God will provide for us to aquire the land so our displaced and jobless Christian brothers will begin to farm. 
8. Another batch of seed capital or soft loan will be given to seven women have completed training and met all the requirements on November the 10th. Again we are thankful to those who have given towards this project.  We have many more women in our waiting list but limited by funding. Pray for God's timely provisions. 

May God bless you richly for giving and praying. 


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