Small Business Training for Women

We praise our heavenly father his rich mercy towards us in spite of our weaknesses.  The weekend presented us a special opportunity to train 15 of our internally displaced beloved sisters in the Lord. These woman and their entire families escaped from the deadly terrorist attacks on Christians in North east Nigeria. They all have stories to tell of  God's divine protection over their lives. Some of them lost their family members and friends. 
They all received small business training on Saturday.  The training was customized to suit areas of interest as expressed by the women. In all, they were trained and given in kind capital  to jump start their business. 

Below is a breakdown of the training:
1. Two women received a sack of corn each with measuring cups and buckets.
2. Three  received sacks of kidney beans with measuring cups, polythene bags and buckets. 
3. Five received materials for Vaseline making including initial bottles for packaging. 
4. Two received sacks of peanuts with measuring cups, polythene bags and buckets 
5. Three persons received sacks of flour, measuring cups, polythene bags and buckets. 

Recipients expresses gratitude for your financial support towards their empowerment schemes. We thank you for your sacrificial giving to support these women who are  economically, socially and psychologically vulnerable and in dire need for love. Thank you for being there for them. God bless you a thousand times. 
Helen will commence on the spot evaluation of business activities a week from today. This will help us monitor their progress so as to encourage fellowship and accountability. I will be holding a formal meeting with them two weeks thereafter for more evaluation.  We are committed to working with them until such a time when they can stand on their own . 

As Helen and i were doing recruitment for the training, we found a meeting point for all 15 husbands of these women with the exception of one who traveled out of town.  Fourteen of them hang out with friends under a mango tree all day to share their bitter experience of unemployment and inability to provide basic human needs for their families. This is what they do all the time.  They're  getting tired of their conditions. And time is running out. The general economic situation in Nigeria is terrible at the moment with high rate of  inflation.
It is in line with this that we proposed a farm project for the men. A farm project that will engage the men and reposition them to meet economic challenges.  We have seen a suitable land of about 11 acres going for  $22000 including actual price for the land, legal fees and taxes.

Please,  join us pray as we trust God for the acquisition of the farm land.


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