End-of-year Rural Evangelism Outreach

Greetings in the precious name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Last month I went for a mission survey at Gambon, a village below the Mambilla plateau  north east Nigeria. 
God has provided for all we needs for this outreach. Tomorrow Joshua my son and I will be leaving  with our team members  for the field. We should be home by Sunday evening. This is our special Christmas gift for those who are yet to hear the goodness in clearest terms. 
Prayer focus:
1. Pray for our safety. 
2. Joshua is going for the first time. Pray for a lasting impact on his life. I am excited he will be my right hand man in the field. 
3. Pray that our equipment will function well 
4.Pray autrance and boldness to declare the word of God. 
5. Pray for outpouring of the Spirit of God. 
6. Cover our team members and their families with prayers.


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