Small business for women

Many greetings. And most importantly happy belated Thanksgiving. My Internet access has been an issue. Recently Helen and I met with 10 of the 15 women on our small business scheme at the school  head master's house to disburse more loans. These 10 women paid off their previous loan much earlier than we thought. The remaining 5 women require a lot of following up and patience from the two of us. As part of encouragement, we gave each of the 10 women $85 amounting to a total of  $850. Repayment will be 17th of January, 2017.

As from next week we will be pairing the group of 5 women with some of these "successful" One's for mentoring. Also, we will be doing direct capturing of their business activities as resources for our future training.

Thank you so much for being a part of this project that is making meaningful impacts on the lives of these internally displaced women. We couldn't have come this far without someone like you.
In the picture below you will see me with twin babies.  Helen and i don't have new babies.  One of our beneficiaries,  Halima is the rightful mother.

We are trusting God for funding towards the farm land. This farm project will help our internally displaced brothers in no small way to provide Food  for their loving families.

Prayer concerns:
1. Join us pray for additional funds for more loans. For now we can only wait until repayments before we consider others. We have many people with  genuine needs asking for loans but we just can't help.
2. The farm land is a concern that only God can address. Pray that God will send help.  We have lost the  farming season for 2016. We are working towards May of 2017.
3. Pray for our mission outreach coming up as from  16th to 18th  of December at Gambon where I went for  survey last
4. Our economy is almost out of control at the moment with inflation at 18.6%. The price of food and other essential commodities  are on the increase. Pray for wisdom and honesty on the part of our leaders
5. Join me thank God for my recovery. I have been down with malaria and typhoid. But glory be to God for healing. I will be finishing my last dose of medications tomorrow. I couldn't complete the intravenous because of wrong punching of my veins by medical personal. My veins keep swelling and hurting so I quit taking the IV.


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