
Showing posts from 2017

Partner with Raphael, SIFAT, and BACCOT for Small-Business and Skill-Acquisition Training for Internally Displaced Women in N.E. Nigeria - Goal: $7,000 + Sustainable Development

I'm excited to announce that Raphael is working through BACCOT (Bannah Center for Community Transformation) and with SIFAT on micro-enterprise training with women in Northeast Nigeria. I (Becca) will be helping with this campaign toward $7,000 for skill-acquisition and small business training that will pay off in the start of small businesses for women in Nigeria with whom BACCOT has been working. Please take some time to read about the proposed project below, learn a little something about Raphael's brilliant success stories and projects, and consider partnering with me and others to support such good work in our world!   You can make tax-deductible donations for this project through SIFAT .  Make sure your donation is designated to "Raphael-Nigeria Project." Women Receiving Skill-Acquisition Training and Micro-Loans to Kickstart Sustainable Development in Nigeria - Beautiful Heroes! Current Project from BACCOT with Raphael in N.E. Nigeria: This prop

Good News for the Project + Raphael in the states in 2018 at SIFAT's Learn & Serve Summer Program

Raphael : I have received official confirmation from SIFAT for the 2018 Summer work with [ Learn & Serve ].  Secondly, the project committee chair [at SIFAT ] has written to assure me that they have reviewed the small business proposal for women and that it will be approved.  All of the land projects both 1 and 2 have been covered. I will keep you posted as events unfold. SIFAT, Raphael, Jarred Griffin and so many others have worked together to raise funds for Raphael's current land project in Taraba State, Nigeria.  This project is explained in the video below.  With all that is going on in the world, it is a good thing to invest in projects that are bringing good news of health and wellness, peace and sharing God's love in practical ways through the work of people like Raphael and organizations like SIFAT. If you are looking to donate for something that has potential for tax write-off at the end of the year, consider donating to Raphael's work through SIFAT  (t

Update with Pictures!!! Small Business Training for Women, a Note from Raphael

I am glad to inform you that we were able to train an additional 19,  comprised of 15 women and 4 men. Participants received training on  liquid soap and petroleum jelly making. With this training, they will be in a  better position to sell some and meet their family needs.  Thank you so much for your prayers and giving towards our skill  acquisition project.  Keep us in your prayers as we continue to trust God for the funds to  provide more training. Join us in thanking God for the success of the  training and our safety amidst all that is going on in northeast  Nigeria. EVERY BLESSING R.S Ogbole  Ephesian 1:4

Current Project Explanation Video from Raphael

Raphael Explains BACCOT's Current Land Project (  (see for more info!)

Raphael is on tour in the U.S.! Connect with his new project on Facebook!

Raphael in Metairie, L.A. this summer. Raphael is on tour in the U.S., meeting so many people, telling his story, Nigeria's, and BACCOT's!  He was in Cookeville, TN, on Wednesday night with Tennessee Tech Wesley Foundation, is in Lineville, AL, this week, and will be in Orlando, FL, this weekend!  If you're interested in him coming to connect with your group, let us know! He is on a fundraising and prayer and sharing tour.  We are 70% to the goal for the land project in Taraba State in Nigeria .  See how you can help by clicking here or connecting on Facebook ! Connect and keep up with the land project progress on Facebook !

Ogoja Small Business Training

Greetings in the precious name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I can never thank you enough for supporting the empowerment training for women and youths of Ogoja, Cross River State. Our training session started with praises, prayer and Bible study in the morning. Later in the day we went into the practical of making soap and petroleum jelly. In all we had 28 adult in attendance with several other kids from 3 communities ( Ndok Amenika, Ndok zaria and Ndok Mbam). With this holistic approach to ministry ​,​ our participants will become self reliant so as to make meaningful impact in their community. Praise/prayer ​ : 1. Thank God for the success of the training 2. So far, repayment of the start up capital is encouraging.  ​However, many more people still can't start their own business for lack of funds.​   Pr ay with us as we think of ways to increase our capital base so as to expand the coverage to other women. 3. Thank God for the safety of my trip to and f

New training in micro enterprise skill acquisition complete! Update from Nigeria!

Many thanks for your prayers, financial and moral support. Despite delay in  delivery of materials, training was conducted  as scheduled with minor adjustments.  Twenty nine participants were received training on how to make liquid soap making and Vaseline for economic empowerment. These are youths and women leaders from four communities. They  are encouraged to source additional materials so as to sustain their business as we were able to provide only a small quantity of materials for training.   We remain thankful for your tireless efforts to share your resources with our brethren in need of help. May the Lord who know your labor of love reward you richly. Raphael and Helen Ogbole. EVERY BLESSING R.S Ogbole  Ephesian 1:4

Upcoming training postponed!

Greetings!  Our training for 17-18/3/2017 will not hold as scheduled. Petroleum jelly, which is one of the vital materials has been supplied. If I take delivery by  Friday  I will go ahead with my original plan but crash the training to one instead of two days. Otherwise the new dates will be 24-25/3/2017. Please be in prayer with me. Raphael

THANK YOU, Everyone!

As the 2017year begin to unfolds, I reflect back over 2016 with profound gratitude for all the Lord has allowed us to do as a ministry. I am sincerely more than thankful for the very special ways you personally committed to support us. I remain very thankful for your prayers, moral and financial supports. Your generous gift in numerous forms are the very reason i have done all i did in ministry. Our ministry have been blessed beyond our imagination to see 15 internally displaced Christian women trained for various skill acquisition. With your support we provided initial seed capital for all of them to start small business. After careful monitoring and evaluation, we awarded additional soft loans for their business expansion. We at Banner center for community transformation (BACCOT) have had the privilege and honor to embark on a mission survey to Gambon, a completely new community. We are so thankful for providing small business training for 30 women in Gambon, our ne