
Showing posts from January, 2017

THANK YOU, Everyone!

As the 2017year begin to unfolds, I reflect back over 2016 with profound gratitude for all the Lord has allowed us to do as a ministry. I am sincerely more than thankful for the very special ways you personally committed to support us. I remain very thankful for your prayers, moral and financial supports. Your generous gift in numerous forms are the very reason i have done all i did in ministry. Our ministry have been blessed beyond our imagination to see 15 internally displaced Christian women trained for various skill acquisition. With your support we provided initial seed capital for all of them to start small business. After careful monitoring and evaluation, we awarded additional soft loans for their business expansion. We at Banner center for community transformation (BACCOT) have had the privilege and honor to embark on a mission survey to Gambon, a completely new community. We are so thankful for providing small business training for 30 women in Gambon, our ne