Ogoja Small Business Training

Greetings in the precious name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

I can never thank you enough for supporting the empowerment training for women and youths of Ogoja, Cross River State.

Our training session started with praises, prayer and Bible study in the morning. Later in the day we went into the practical of making soap and petroleum jelly. In all we had 28 adult in attendance with several other kids from 3 communities ( Ndok Amenika, Ndok zaria and Ndok Mbam). With this holistic approach to ministry​,​our participants will become self reliant so as to make meaningful impact in their community.
1. Thank God for the success of the training
2. So far, repayment of the start up capital is encouraging. 
​However, many more people still can't start their own business for lack of funds.​  Pray with us as we think of ways to increase our capital base so as to expand the coverage to other women.
3. Thank God for the safety of my trip to and from Ogoja
4. Thank God for providing all the materials and funds for the training.
5. Pray that funds will be available for subsequent training.

R.S Ogbole
 Ephesian 1:4


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