
Showing posts from 2018

Happy Thanksgiving Harvest for BACCOT!

Join us thank God for the bumper harvest. Our internet connection is not quite strong to take many pictures at a time. Be expecting more pictures as I  will be sending them in batches. Thank you for helping to provide food for our internally displaced brethren. The goal is to help them HELP themselves sustainably. We're getting there by his grace. Click this link to watch a harvest video and see photos below to celebrate with BACCOT!

Update! Harvest is here!

God is so good. We will start picking the corn by end of September. Please continue to pray with for peaceful harvest. Thank you for helping our internally displaced brethren grow their food.

Update: Farm Pictures!

I write to express my deepest appreciation for your support towards the farm project. Below recent pictures of the corn we planted in May. Indeed we can see God's blessings already. Thought for the day:  2Kings 7:9 Around this time, four lepers are outside the city gate pondering their future. A future with no friends, families, and a community of their own. A long future bedevilled with leprosy. A future without hope:    If they went into the city, they would starve.    If they stay at the gate they will starve.   If they go to the Syrians (Arameans) they may still be killed. They must choose between multiple bad choices: But, they feel compelled to do something: They choose the unknown over certain death This story is reminiscent of my brothers and sister from North East Nigeria. They have lost everything including their ancestral farmland. They choose the unknown over certain death. Their choice was powered by your generous financial donation. Prayer req

Update: Planting of Crops Summer 2018

Greetings in the precious name of our Lord and Jesus Christ. I am delighted to inform you of recent developments with our farm project.  The big news is that we cultivated the land about the middle of May but then we couldn't get enough rain for planting. I was personally stretched with lack of rain as time was running out on us. We praise our God who gives rain in due season.(Zachariah 10:1; Lev.26:4). Indeed, the Lord heard our cry and sent rain.  I have attached some pictures of  the cultivation and planting of corn. Challenges: Our greatest challenge was delayed rainfall. Another concern is the threat from Fulani herdsmen. These herdsmen go about killing and maiming vulnerable villagers.  Prayer points: 1. Ask God to give us bountiful harvest  2. Join us pray for the divine protection of our lives and crops. 3. Thank God for his grace so far. I thank you all for your prayers and encouragement. Thank you especially for making the farm project a rea

Double Donation through Matching Funds Available through SIFAT!

Hey!  A generous and anonymous donor has decided to match funds for international projects through SIFAT (Servants in Faith & Technology) , including BACCOT's project in Nigeria!  So, if you give, starting today, your funds will be doubled!  Money can be tight at times and, though the desire is there, the funds may not be, so take this opportunity to donate to BACCOT and have your funds go a longer way to help women and their families develop through this meaningful and sustainable work!  Click here to donate, starting today (4/30/18), to have your funds matched through a tax-deductible donation. BACCOT/Bannah Center for Community Transformation -- Women's small business and skill-acquisition training.

Update on Land Acquisition for Current Project with BACCOT from Raphael

Most recent update from Raphael : We eventually shared the farmland to our beneficiaries. 22 people including myself and Helen boarded a commercial Toyota truck on Saturday the 3rd of February, 2018. Each person was allocated an acre of land for the next 3 years.  After the allocation, some persons decided to team up. This was their own initiative. They would pull resources together, work together and share produce equally. So, you will notice in the picture about 2 batches made up of 4 persons each. We are watching this development carefully probably it may become a pattern for future allocation. I hope to encourage this team spirit in the course of our project. The next phase will be clearing of land by individuals. We need your prayers for safety especially in our northeast region with the highest rate of attacks on farmers by herdsmen. We strongly believe that our Lord who has provided this land will watch over us as we cultivate it. Here are pictures of the cur