Update on Land Acquisition for Current Project with BACCOT from Raphael

Most recent update from Raphael: We eventually shared the farmland to our beneficiaries. 22 people including myself and Helen boarded a commercial Toyota truck on Saturday the 3rd of February, 2018. Each person was allocated an acre of land for the next 3 years. 

After the allocation, some persons decided to team up. This was their own initiative. They would pull resources together, work together and share produce equally. So, you will notice in the picture about 2 batches made up of 4 persons each. We are watching this development carefully probably it may become a pattern for future allocation. I hope to encourage this team spirit in the course of our project.
The next phase will be clearing of land by individuals. We need your prayers for safety especially in our northeast region with the highest rate of attacks on farmers by herdsmen. We strongly believe that our Lord who has provided this land will watch over us as we cultivate it.

Here are pictures of the current progress with land acquisition and the families involved in the project and below that is a fundraising thermometer showing our progress thus far on the more recent project.

BACCOT's more recent progress for Small-Business and Skill-Acquisition Training for Internally Displaced Women in N.E. Nigeria - Goal: $7,000 + Sustainable Development:


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