Update: Planting of Crops Summer 2018

Greetings in the precious name of our Lord and Jesus Christ. I am delighted to inform you of recent developments with our farm project. 
The big news is that we cultivated the land about the middle of May but then we couldn't get enough rain for planting. I was personally stretched with lack of rain as time was running out on us. We praise our God who gives rain in due season.(Zachariah 10:1; Lev.26:4). Indeed, the Lord heard our cry and sent rain. 
I have attached some pictures of  the cultivation and planting of corn.
Our greatest challenge was delayed rainfall. Another concern is the threat from Fulani herdsmen. These herdsmen go about killing and maiming vulnerable villagers. 
Prayer points:
1. Ask God to give us bountiful harvest 
2. Join us pray for the divine protection of our lives and crops.
3. Thank God for his grace so far.
I thank you all for your prayers and encouragement. Thank you especially for making the farm project a reality.


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