
Showing posts from 2019

Update for the Holidays: Harvest!

I wish you and your loved ones meaningful time together throughout this season.  May the joy, peace, and purpose of this season be evident in your life now and always. Today, I joined some of our farmers to clean and package grains. Farming was quite challenging this year because of the security issues in most rural communities. But we are thankful to God for the good yield. I and my co farmers remain very thankful for your financial support to the farm project.

Update on the Farm Project

Dear Brethren, It is with regret but with gratitude to God that I write to inform you of the passing of a way Mr. Mathias Kwatha.    Brother Mathias was displaced from his ancestral home to Taraba State by the Islamic terrorists in northern Nigeria and now finally displaced by illnesses to his eternal home where there will be no more displacement. Mathias was a beneficiary of the farm project. Late Mathias is survived by his wife and seven children to mourn him.   Helen and I visited with the family to pray and assisted with a small amount of money.  The good news is that Matthias left behind a cornfield for his family. The produce from this farm will serve as food and source of income for Lydia his wife, and the children.   In all, I am thankful to God for the corn yields. Hopefully by November ending harvest will commence.   Once again thank you for giving to support the farm project.     


I bring you greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  I sincerely apologize for not informing some of you when we planted the corn. Some of the farmers and I started planting on June 27th while others started theirs at a later time. This was due to the fact that we couldn't have early rain as anticipated. From the pictures, you are going to see the planting in June and the growth as of August 3rd. We are hopeful that the security challenges don't escalate to hinder the farm activities.   I would like to thank you for giving generously to make the farm project happen. By this action, you have not only demonstrated the love of God in a practical way but also holistically.  Thank you for sharing resources with us .    May God bless you richly for his own glory. Join us pray that our God will give us a bumper harvest this year.    

BACCOT Training for 50 Women Offers Skills-Acquisition and Encouragement Despite Security Challenges

All glory and honor to the Almighty God for allowing us to conduct the training despite the security challenges in most of our communities. On Thursday, the 4th of July, seventeen refugees from the Anglophone region of Cameroon attended the skill acquisition training. These women were displaced by the ongoing civil unrest in the Republic of Cameroon. They moved over to Nigeria with the hope of meeting their basic needs. Unfortunately, the situation in Northern Nigeria is any better.  The training started with an exhortation from the Scriptures and words of encouragement. Our participants were trained to make hair cream, air freshener, and disinfectant. At the end of the training, participants received a pack of each of the materials as part of startup capital.  With this training, we have successfully met the target of providing skill acquisition for 50 women. Here's a breakdown of the entire training: 1. February 8th -9th. Vegetable farming (15 particip

Update: Women Empowerment Training II

All glory to the King eternal, the immortal God who has given us the grace to be of help to our displaced sisters and mothers from Southern Cameroon. For quite a while now the agitation for self-rule by the Anglophone region of Cameroon has brought untold hardship to the people especially women and children. 23 of these women who are currently taking refuge in Gembu, my former mission were brought together to learn the skill of soap making and petroleum jelly and most importantly, given materials to jump-start their business. With this training and the one of February, we have empowered 38 women. We have 12 more women to empower so as to hit our 50 women mark for this project.  These women would continue to make and sell their products while in Nigeria. There's no way I could have been of any use to them without your generous giving and prayers. PRAYER POINTS/THANKSGIVING i. Join us thank God for making the two batches of 2019 training possible ii. Ask G

Vegetable Farming Update and Training for Women

The good news: we had 15 women trained on how to grow various types of local vegetables. As part of sustainability, each person was given fertilizer, herbicide, insecticide, seeds, and container.  The training commenced with words of exhortation from Rev. Chigia our field officer. Thereafter, we had some interactions on the benefits of growing vegetables with an emphasis on sustainability. Our training ended up with farm practicals. Of particular interest was a 17-year-old mother. Judith dropped out of school after she discovered she was pregnant at 15 plus. Unfortunately, the boy who was responsible for the pregnancy abandoned Judith and her aged grandmother without any help. Judith started doing some menial jobs to care for herself, grandmother and son (Destiny) who is now a year and 10 months old. Judith told us of her desire to sell snakes. God willing, Judith will come and stay at our home for some days. Helen and I will counsel and disciple her. And most impo

Current Project Plan and Schedule for 2019

Project Schedule for 2019: a. Sensitization and mobilization for training: About 1st week of March 2019 b. Identification and selection process: 3 rd week of March 2019 c. Batch 1 training: 2nd week of September 2019 d. Batch 2 training: 2nd week of October 2019 e. Batch 3 training: 2nd week of November 2019