Vegetable Farming Update and Training for Women

The good news: we had 15 women trained on how to grow various types of local vegetables. As part of sustainability, each person was given fertilizer, herbicide, insecticide, seeds, and container. 
The training commenced with words of exhortation from Rev. Chigia our field officer. Thereafter, we had some interactions on the benefits of growing vegetables with an emphasis on sustainability. Our training ended up with farm practicals.
Of particular interest was a 17-year-old mother. Judith dropped out of school after she discovered she was pregnant at 15 plus. Unfortunately, the boy who was responsible for the pregnancy abandoned Judith and her aged grandmother without any help. Judith started doing some menial jobs to care for herself, grandmother and son (Destiny) who is now a year and 10 months old. Judith told us of her desire to sell snakes. God willing, Judith will come and stay at our home for some days. Helen and I will counsel and disciple her. And most importantly, she will learn to make street food as an additional sustainability package for her. 
 We thank SIFAT and our wonderful friends for donating generously to make this project a reality.
We solicit your prayers for safety and divine coverage during and after all our trainings. Pray especially for the next batch of training scheduled for early April.  See pictures below!


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