BACCOT Training for 50 Women Offers Skills-Acquisition and Encouragement Despite Security Challenges

All glory and honor to the Almighty God for allowing us to conduct the training despite the security challenges in most of our communities.

On Thursday, the 4th of July, seventeen refugees from the Anglophone region of Cameroon attended the skill acquisition training. These women were displaced by the ongoing civil unrest in the Republic of Cameroon. They moved over to Nigeria with the hope of meeting their basic needs. Unfortunately, the situation in Northern Nigeria is any better. 
The training started with an exhortation from the Scriptures and words of encouragement.
Our participants were trained to make hair cream, air freshener, and disinfectant. At the end of the training, participants received a pack of each of the materials as part of startup capital. 
With this training, we have successfully met the target of providing skill acquisition for 50 women. Here's a breakdown of the entire training:
1. February 8th -9th. Vegetable farming (15 participants)
2. April 19th -20th Soap and petroleum jelly (23 participants)
3. July 4th -5th Hair cream, disinfectant, and air freshener (17 participants)
In all, 55 as against 50 women acquired skills in various aspects of the business.  
It's not over yet as we will continue to monitor and evaluate the scheme. Unfortunately, however, there was no provision for monitoring and evaluation in our budget. But we will do our best to ensure that encouragement by way of follow up is given. 
I am glad to inform you that crops have been planted. If everything goes well I should send you some pictures tomorrow or the next day depending on the strength of my internet connection.

On behalf of my family and volunteers, I would like to thank all of you who gave generously to make the project a success.


1. As it is we do not have any ongoing project other than monitoring and evaluation. Join us pray as we plan and look to God for directions.
2. The security challenges in Nigeria seems to be getting worse. In addition to Boko Haram and the Fulani herders, banditry and kidnapping are spreading across the country. Pray for our safety amidst the threats confronting us on a daily basis.
3. Our daughter Berachah will be completing her secondary school three days from today. She hopes to proceed with her plan to study Pharmacy in a Christian college by September of this year. We have been able to save money and a family friend who sponsored Berachah through most part of the secondary school is still willing to assist but more financial help is required. Pray with us in this regard to help our daughter realize her educational goals.


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