
Showing posts from August, 2019


I bring you greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  I sincerely apologize for not informing some of you when we planted the corn. Some of the farmers and I started planting on June 27th while others started theirs at a later time. This was due to the fact that we couldn't have early rain as anticipated. From the pictures, you are going to see the planting in June and the growth as of August 3rd. We are hopeful that the security challenges don't escalate to hinder the farm activities.   I would like to thank you for giving generously to make the farm project happen. By this action, you have not only demonstrated the love of God in a practical way but also holistically.  Thank you for sharing resources with us .    May God bless you richly for his own glory. Join us pray that our God will give us a bumper harvest this year.