
 Having just finished a skill acquisition training with 50 women despite security challenges and being currently involved with the sustainable land project in Nigeria, here are some prayer points for those in support of BACCOT:

1. As it is we do not have any ongoing project other than monitoring and evaluation. Join us pray as we plan and look to God for directions.
2. The security challenges in Nigeria seems to be getting worse. In addition to Boko Haram and the Fulani herders, banditry and kidnapping are spreading across the country. Pray for our safety amidst the threats confronting us on a daily basis.
3. Our daughter Berachah will be completing her secondary school three days from today. She hopes to proceed with her plan to study Pharmacy in a Christian college by September of this year. We have been able to save money and a family friend who sponsored Berachah through most part of the secondary school is still willing to assist but more financial help is required. Pray with us in this regard to help our daughter realize her educational goals.

Raphael Explains BACCOT's Successful Land Project ( from 2017

We thank God for the privilege to work with our internally displaced and persecuted sisters from northern Nigeria. We held our formal evaluation on the 3rd of Sept. 2016. 11 of the women were in attendance plus Helen and I making 13 in all.  one of those absent was down with malaria. There was no report from the remaining three. Helen will be following up on this at a later time.
What went well at the meeting:
1. Four persons have sold all their products and are now in the process of re stocking.
2.Five persons have sold more than half of their products.
3. Three successfully opened personal savings account with the bank.  
1. Three people ran out of plastic bottles for packaging their Vaseline and so, were unable to continue with production. 
2. All of the 11 present at the meeting want to sell food stuff such as grains in addition to their line of business. This is likely to saturate the community market unless they are willing to expand their market share.
3. Being absent from evaluation meeting without apology.
4. Inability to read or write so as to keep business record.
One question that many of them are raising is how to meet some pressing needs from their sales. One of the women reported that she used part of her sales to buy medicine for her child. Our humble advice to them  is to keep their capital safe and set aside part of the profits to grow capital. 
1. To engage  a Christian with good knowledge of  business to provide basic training in record keeping. Alternatively, we could search for material to conduct the training  ourselves.
2. To set up accountability group among the women.
3. Helen will place order for plastic bottles before end of this week.
4.We will continue to encourage each one to have a savings account.
5. There will be a monthly fellowship meeting 27th  of every month. 
6. Another batch of loan to be granted to 20 new people hopefully by end of November depending on availability of funds. At the moment we have $395 designated for the church in Nigeria project. We hope to raise $1200 in addition to be able to disburse the loan as scheduled.
We thank you especially for personally supporting our family and our ministry. May God bless you richly.
Please, keep bearing with us for now. We are still learning to find our ways with micro enterprise. It involves more than we had anticipated at the beginning.  


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