Women Empowerment Training 3.22.21

Greetings, in the precious name of our Lord Jesus Christ, The last and final batch of the training went well to the glory of God. Our goal was to train 20 vulnerable rural Christian women and out-of-school girls but we had 7 more women in attendance who were not enrolled in the program but wanted to be a part of it. We only offered them the training and could not provide any start-up capital as our budget did not cover them. The objective of our project is to provide sustainable and transformative business opportunities for poor rural women and out-of-school girls. Also, the women were trained to make the rocket stove in addition to the baseline, which they would produce as a source of income for their families. Let me apologize for the pictures. I am not able to send a good number because of the weak internet access. So, please expect more pictures after this one. I would like to thank all of you for supporting me in this endeavor. Some of you donated to fund the project, while ...